Well I've been dreaming about
being able to create for a living & opening my own shop for 20 years now
and it's finally happening, thank you Jesus!!! I haven't been great at blogging
over the last couple of years, I've been though the ringer a bit - still
homesick for Vancouver after a big move to tiny Coaldale, loss of my Gramma
& great friend Marg, loss of my beloved cat Sammy, discovered my sweet dog
Bella has a heart condition, major structural damage to my home because of
flooding last spring (need a whole new foundation, my house is slowly
collapsing), recent loss of my job of 16 years after battling 2 years of major
depression & fibromyalgia and it was very hard to keep my faith through it
all but God gave me the grace to get through and He has restored my hope.
I'm excited to get back to
work as well as creating and I'm looking forward to life again!
My new shop is opening March
1st so I'm crazy busy now getting ready but I will be blogging more as I get
back to creating and will also write more details about my la TaDa!

Please pop in & say hi.
la TaDa! vintage boutique & creative studio
main street
Have a Pretty! day